" Are you ready to travel through time. There is a time machine northwest of here! "- Cassandra

Today I decided to try to see if I'm strong enough to free a princess from a castle. I chose the Castle Shamino, although it technically does not matter.
a princess is the first castle to kill the jester in order to obtain a key that opened the prison cells. Secondly it should be lucky that you get is the key cell of the Princess (the probability is 50%). And finally, if this is the case, he plays his way through the guards.
I must say that the guards in this Last are a nightmare. In the remake were strong, but it was not as exaggerated as in the original version. One wonders to Shamino would send me to kill a Balron when their guards would be able to slaughter any dungeon.
After facing no less than 5 guards followed, and finally decided to bypass the input address with the princess. Once freed, the princess Cassandra me in 3000 increased the experience points, gold and points. It's a good reward, but at this point, I do not need any of that and I have taken more points of life that has given me the princess.
After seeing the rewards are few, I decided to travel to the Dark Lands and Unknown and I bought a Spaceship the Gauntlet City.
After meeting near off Sosaria a space base with 2 ships on it. First I tried the ship left, but does not convince me for the mission. It has a lot of fuel, but the arms are clearly too low. I have chosen as the nave nave below.
After making sure that areas of space are occupied by bases or space ships I willing to go kill a few Tie Fighters (pun intended, because if it appeared in the remake, here are nailed to those of Star Wars .
is where I get a problem. Apparently, the game does not register when my laser hit an enemy ship, making them invincible. I try several times to every pixel of enemy ships, but nothing.
After some research, I discover that the game uses an assembler routine Apple II processor 6502 the emulator does not detect and that emulating a 65C02 . After good time trying things, I solved the problem by lowering the latest version of Applewin and emulating the Apple II / e old. This has corrected the fault, but the new version of Applewin has given me a few problems with the keyboard I finally solved it by changing the language from English to American.
After this small (and stressful) break, I've been traveling from sector to sector killing spacecraft. Basically when a sector is occupied by the enemy, has 3 ships that you must defeat before advancing to the next sector. After many fights where I've been resting and refueling once in a while, I managed to become As a Space.
Search Sosaria has been difficult and I killed a few Tie Fighters more on the way up I finally found the planet. I'm back to my spaceship (you can not return to Sosaria using another ship and are not prepared to land on a planet).
Once Sosaria I noticed that my experience has gone exaggerated one thing after destroying many ships in space.
I headed south to the Black Dragon Castle and I set to work to release a new princess. The situation was exactly the same as in the Castle Shamino. Once released, in addition to the 3000 experience points, gold and life they gave me, Cassandra (if again it seems to have recaptured the JEJ), has informed me that I am prepared to travel to over time, and we found a Time Machine northwest.
Before seeking Time Machine, I made the Black Dragon me up health points to 15000 (it could them have uploaded more, but not I think that is necessary).
Northwest I found the Time Machine, and this is where I leave it for today. In the next post I will face at last Mondain.
"The enemy ships are clearly Tie Fighters from Star Wars .
-princesses have a number of random names in the remake, the original version all called Cassandra .