"The Gremlin stole some food!"

I started going directly into the tower Africa. Before proceeding to the level where I stay, I went in search of the boxes of level 2 since I came to pass.
Level 4 has been particularly difficult. Nothing else down, I was attacked by a new creature, the crawlers. Luckily, they do not have any special skills that make them especially dangerous.

The area southwest of Level 4 is a large room with 4 pillars and hallways that go to the center of it. In the middle is a kind of door to the 4 corridors (given the position of the door, it's more like an arch that leads to 4 passages.
The north has been particularly confusing. First was a series of small rooms with doors on all 4 walls. As if this were not enough, later left the rooms have doors and had false walls on all four walls. Really go through here without a map is insane.
At the end of the area with false walls I found 5 boxes and I have returned to the stairs, like in most levels lower were twofold.
Level 5 does not have much history. It has been difficult to map because it is a huge room filled with pillars. But other than that, not much more. The oddest thing about this level is that is smaller than previous levels, and at first thought it would be surrounded by an outer ring of corridors.

Before getting to level 6, I left the tower and I went to Lord British for me to heal my wounds (paying the tribute as always).
At level 6 I found a new creature, Snakes . Like crawlers are not too dangerous. The most annoying of these levels is still the face of Ghosts and avoid traps as I'm spending a lot of torches quite high.

Level 6 was also smaller than normal, and nothing interesting. The northeast, which is where I uploaded from level 5 only contained a series of corridors with nothing in them.
To get to the northwest and southeast had to go through secret doors, but like the rest of the level there was absolutely nothing in these new rooms.
curious thing about this level, there was no way to access the southwest, so I had to leave without a map and I have gone to Level 7.
level 7 I started heading towards the north, where the road forked in two directions. West had two doors that I left uninvestigated, and this would have a new hall.

Moving in the east I found two secret doors, but I have not gone so far, and I headed south.
South would have a new west corridor that led to the steps I have taken to reach the level (and leading to level 8). Continuing south I found a new door.
After passing this gate, this new zone is a major corridor extending westward with many roads north and especially in the south. All these roads were not output.
Finally the corridor stretching north and connected to the two doors which had found at the beginning of the level.
To my surprise, looking east I saw a new staircase to level 8.
After you finish the level, I have gone abroad since I was running out of torches.
On the way to the first level I've come to take and passed back to the coffers of level 2.
Once outside, I realized I had left unexplored secret walled area level 7, and I re-entered the tower to explore the new area. Al Apparently, all you had was a room with a chest ... No more to do ... I have traveled back to the surface.
Upon leaving, I used the old method of getting gold (although this time was more interested in getting torches). Seeing that there has been very effective, I have addressed Nuevo San Antonio, and the gold that had I bought a Reflective Armor (second best armor in the game).
After that, I headed to the castle of Lord British and I climbed the more life points.
Reviewing the maps I had drawn, did not convince me that the southwest area of \u200b\u200blevel 6 was not mapped. As he had found a new way to Level 8, I assumed that perhaps there is another way in one of the levels above level 6, which give access to that area.
Thus, I returned to delve into the Tower and traveled back to level 7. With two chances to go up to level 8, I opted to use the stairs that were not doubles.
These steps have led me to a small room in level 8 where there were stairs leading down to Level 7.

As had been assumed, there was a path that led me to the unexplored area of \u200b\u200blevel 6. This new area was a huge room with four columns and with no fewer than 20 boxes.

After opening all the chests, I'm back to level 7 and I decided to use the double stairs leading to the level 8 to finish this map.
In level 8 I started to map the central area. This area bordered the room where the 2 steps of level 7.

The level itself has not been too difficult until I found my first Gremlin. As in Akalabeth and Ultima I , the Gremlins steal food (100 servings each). This makes them incredibly annoying.
After mapping the entire level 8, the only interesting thing I had was a room with a chest in the northwest area which could only be reached through a few false walls, I decided Back to the surface.
After retrieving the points of life lost due to Lord British, I decided to leave the rest of levels for the next entry.
Africa Tower Level 4

-Like Ghosts , the crawlers the Snakes and Gremlins not have an official description in the manual.
"The Gremlins have the special ability to steal 100 servings of food at every turn they try.
- levels Ultima II have different ways (more than a straight up or down), which makes them much more interesting than the Ultima I .
-The size of the various levels, not always being 16x16 as I said in previous post.
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