"You feel a powerful magic!"

Well, after some time without writing about Ultima II, I'm finally back.
first thing I did was to get used to the controls Ultima II, as she had a month without playing. Once I managed to get used again, I checked my inventory and I saw that I have little torches. The idea is to finish once the Tower Africa, and with so few torches wont be able to explore the latest levels Torre.
I've been getting torches using the same trick I use to get gold in previous entries. Unlike gold, the torches are harder to get and I had to repeat the routine several times until about 30 torches.
Once I got this, I went for supplies (if I have a few, fixed the Gremlins kill me).
I have also gone to climb a little more life points Castle of Lord British. I have a sneaking suspicion that higher levels of the tower will be substantially more dangerous.
Since I do not have many torches and Ghosts are really annoying, I decided to go down to level 9 without stopping directly in the rooms with chests of gold.
Level 9 has a strange way, because unlike levels above is not completely square, but is a kind of X. Find the stairs to the next level has not been difficult, and once I understood the structure of this level, map it has been easy.

At level 10 I returned to find that the stairs are double and rise to the level 11 directly. Upon arrival at this level have been attacked by a new enemy (at least as far as the Torre refers), a demon . Apparently has no special skill, but it's really strong and hard to kill. After exploring the corridors of this Level I realize that there is nothing interesting except the Northeast is not accessible.

Going down to level 11 I find myself trapped in a room that only has stairs to level 12. No more do I have downloaded directly to level 12.

The level 12 has been nothing more than a hallway. In one corner of this great hall have been attacked by no less than two Balrons (I've been cornered.) The fight has been pretty tough and Balrons have the ability to sleep and so completely paralyzed. I followed after defeat exploring and came to the stairs to level 11. I noticed that again the North East at this level is not accessible.

Back at level 11 I found a new corridor that led to taking any other way. Down the hall I found some new stairs to level 12 and level 10 stairs. I decided to address first to level 12 and leave the stairs on the lower level later.

Back on level 12, I finally managed to explore the northeast at this level. All I had was a hallway leading to stairs to level 13.

At level 13 I find myself once again trapped in a room with double stairs only to levels 12 and 14.

At level 14, once again there is no possibility of mistake. I followed all the corridors to the stairs that lead me to level 13 again. Although these levels as far as exploration is concerned are easy, I would add that the number of traps of the same is quite high, and the enemies (especially Balrons ) are really dangerous. Even Orcs seem to be stronger in these levels in the early stages. Before going back down, I realized that there is a small room in the center of the level to which I have no access.

again at level 13 I have not had much trouble finding my way. Although there are a couple of dead ends, are nothing really problematic. At the final meeting with new stairs to level 14.

Once again on level 14, I realize I'm in the small center room had left unexplored. This room only has a double staircase to the levels 13 and 15.

I have finally reached level 15. I am in a room that has a bow in the center and many chests. Right next to me there are two secret passages that lead me to a corridor around the room with even more boxes. The interesting thing about this level is that the boxes do not contain gold, but containing Trilitio . Thus Trilitio get enough insurance that will serve me well later.

On the run from the tower I only made a stop at level 11 where he had left without investigating some stairs leading down to level 10.
Stairs give me access to the area that had not yet explored the level 10 I find 5 chests. Once I finish exploring this area, no more stops I go directly to the outside.

Once outside I'm surprised to have survived at these levels. Balrons really and Demons are extremely strong, but I think the most annoying creatures are the Ghosts and Gremlins . Not to mention that the number of traps that I found on the last level has been somewhat extreme. Although all the times I've saved using the tools, each time I found a trap my torch is extinguished. Personally the theme of the torch is a real problem in this game (I begin to regret not having chosen a magician for this game).
Before leaving the game for today I recovered the points of life that was lost on Torre by Lord British and I bought a few supplies.
"The Demons of the dungeon appear from level 10 and unlike the foreign devils, no have any special skills.
"The Balrons appear in the dungeons and towers at level 12 and like their relatives from abroad have the sleeping spell his enemies.
-in level 15 dungeons and towers can be found Trilitio chests. Well
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