"I can look now?" Has everything already? " - Chuckles

New entry and new places to explore. This time I started getting some gold old-fashioned. Nothing interesting to say in this part.
After winning the gold, I headed to Puerto Bonus to get a few more keys (the guards of the city must hate me). As the last few entries, I used a coin to deny time and infiltrate the port without thieves give me problems.
To my surprise, even though I deleted to 4 thieves and a guard, the other guards will not attack me. He had forgotten to consider me a threat I have to attack them directly and not by gunfire from a boat.
best thing to do, leave the boat momentarily and attacked the first group of guards I see. After that I run into my boat (not worth a melee with these types).
remove all the guards decided to leave Puerto . I could stay with the boat, but frankly I have as many at this time.
I started this post with a clear plan: get a plane and travel to the future. For this I turn to New San Antonio where there is an airport.
Infíltrame at the airport is not easy as there are a warrior watching. In principle a warrior is not much, but if you'll have all attacked the guard behind me. To avoid this, use the same trick that the Puerto Bonus to get keys: a coin to deny time.
Once I get my new car I realize that forests can not pass unless takeoff. Landed a little north of San Antonio New where I have enough maneuverability to it.
The idea is to cross the Time Gate of America order to reach the future.
This is easier said than done and I find that once flew I can not pass through the doors , and I can not land in South due to the dense jungle out there.
Seeing that screwed up my plan I decide to try to get ahead without an airplane and try to get a boat there to explore.
By pure chance in the future I America with Time Gate. Looking at the map I see this door leads me to Time of Legends, a place I'd rather not go so far. Still, after seeing this Door I can think of a small plan.
Looking at the map I see that there is a 1990 Time Gate in Australia also brings me to Time of Legends, and most importantly, there is room for landing the plane.
The idea is this, take my plane which I have in San Antonio New , address Australia, through the Time Gate to the Legends time, and then through the door Time into the future.
The plan goes perfect and I am in the future with my plane. The first thing you've done here is to address Australia, the lineup to see exactly what time I am.
Once in Australia see that I am in DC 2112 , which means that this period is one year after the Holocaust caused by Minax .
Using one of the magical helms I see that there are some areas that could be survivors, but could also be simple monsters.
Using the plane, which means that nothing can attack me, I decided to fly over the world to see what awaits me.
In Asia (or what remains of Asia ) find a Time Gate that I could carry AC 1423. I also see that there are many enemies in the vicinity.
find a city between Finland and Soviet Union (no, not here separated). Before going there, I turn to the west.
In Greenland find a dungeon. Apparently this dungeon is at all times and sooner or later have to go into it.
America has nothing in particular and Europe is basically destroyed and flooded by the ocean.
finally landed in the Soviet Union and head to the city with survivors.
The town is called Port of the Pirates . I guess it's a site not recommended, but I have to explore it anyway.
The first person I meet is Waren Beatty who asks me if I saw Diane Keaton . This type is nothing less than the side of Red Square .
East of the city find the magic shop, aptly named Red Magic .
At this meeting the ruins of a Catholic church. These ruins are protected by a guard and they are a cleric, but apart from that nothing interesting.
North of the church find a restaurant called Red Lobster . Like the church, is also in ruins.
find the Ministry of Propaganda, as with the other buildings in this city is completely destroyed.
output in the ocean is in the city across two sea snakes that I see are unfriendly. For the moment I stop and I turn to the northwest of the city.
West encounter " TASS CCCP, so it is TASS Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union while CCCP is an acronym for the Soviet Union . There is a guard guarding the entrance so I do not know this place.
find a position of a seer, but has a sign that is out. From the look of the place, should be out some time.
The northernmost has nothing to do with the rest of the city. This area is not ruined, but it seems that technology is well equipped. Find anything less than a great airport with a military aircraft in the. At the entrance to find myself for the first time Chuckles the Clown who seems really scared and asked me if the thing has calmed down.
This area is well protected by an incredible amount of KGB agents.
East of the airport encounter what looks like a off area of \u200b\u200bspacecraft. At the entrance is the village idiot (literally) who suggested that I offer money to the owner of Hotel . I guess that refers to the Hotel California , and I have offered money there, so although it is a good track right now is useless to me.
South of the area off the entrance to where the pirate ships. The entrance is protected by a hacker who claims to have a broken copy of Ultima III and asks if I want one. Frankly I do not want a broken back, and the type in question I do not like, not to mention I need a boat. So without thinking twice and ended with the robbery one of the boats in the harbor.
first thing is to finish with 2 sea snakes.
In the middle of the lake is an island with many weapons and armor. The lame all, but can not find anything useful.
Finally the guards decided to stop until I find one of the suspected mutants spoken by manual (immortal characters.)
Investigated the take off area. Apparently there are three naves. No doubt I will return here later because one of my missions is to find Planet X .
Pirate Port has a small opening and I take the boat to take me outside.
Once outside, do some cleanup of the monsters that populate the future (including a Balron that had it not been for the Idol I have to lock your magic, I give problems.)
Once back in DC 1990, recovery of lost life points thanks to Lord British and buy food in Puerto Bonus. And here I leave for today.
2112 DC

Pirates Puerto

NOTE: Ultima II ago many references to real events, and real people. Some obvious and not so obvious. Unfortunately I have no information of them all, and it may take some overlooked. Just put the 100% sure that they mean something. If anyone has more info would be appreciated to post with it.
-To fly a plane you must have brass buttons and Skull Keys.
-First appearance of Chuckles. Chuckles is a character that will appear in subsequent Last . The character is based on Chuck Bueche, co-founder of Origin Systems .
-First appearance of Waren Beatty. No doubt Waren Beatty is based on Warren Beatty , an actor / director American. The fact that this map is that in 1981 Reds made the film , which told the story of a writer, journalist and communist John Reed . The fact that Diane Keaton ask is because this was part of the film and played the character of Louise Bryant .
"The reason that this game shows the Soviet Union in the future is that at the time of its creation, had not yet separated (split in 1991 ).
- Red Square is a famous square in Moscow .
- Red Lobster can refer to the American restaurant franchise seafood. Although this may be wrong because I do not see the relationship with the Soviet Union , except that the name has the word "Red" in it.
- TASS stands for Телеграфное агентство Советского Союза that can be read as Telegrafnoe agentstvo Sovetskogo Soyuza , and coming a significar Agencia de Telégrafos de la Unión Soviética .
- CCCP es el acrónimo de Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( Soyuz Soviétskij Socialistíchieskij Respúblik ) que viene a significar Unión de Republicas Socialistas Soviéticas .
- La KGB es el acrónimo Committee of the State Безопасности (Komitet Gosudárstvennoy Bezopasnosti ) meaning Committee for State Security . The KGB becomes something like the CIA American.
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