Thanks to our friends and Corrado Simonetta contacted us two months ago, we were able to organize the trip of four Greyhounds to four lucky Italy.The have been Nevado and Queen of Seville, Gerard Linares and Kika de Alcoy.Todo this has been possible thanks to a chain of solidarity that this time he has done in kilometers and hope not to forget anyone:
Thanks to Olga and Nevado Critina who rescued and all the people who help in Arahal area is a black spot on the abandonment of animals and thanks to embodies have him in foster care. Thanks to the protective
Natura Linares Ark to rescue and care for Gerard and Lola welcome to your journey.
Thanks to Irene and her family of Sevilla, to rescue the Queen and welcome to your journey. Thanks to the Clinica
Al Andalus to prepare all the dogs to travel.
With Mayte in Alcoy for hosting Kika and take care of urgency by the bruising.
Thanks to Maria Jose and the entire team Veterinos to receive the four dogs and meet Simonetta, Corrado and escort and deliver to the dogs ready for their trip and of course, thanks to the Italian expedition to come up here to look .
Thanks to all the adoptive family of Maurizio, Raffaella family, Corrado and Simonetta to offer a home to nuetras dogs and special thanks to these two last ones help us in the post-adoption of all families.
And finally, thanks to all volunteers, Sos Greyhounds team and partners and anonymous donations that allow this to happen. Team SOS
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