In Salaman ca greyhound saw a 3 or 4 years I was always alone in a football field. Mo les compassion

From SOS Greyhounds, we decided immediately to help this greyhound. Guillem: "I do not know if I exaggerate or not but I think the dog is too lonely in the field without the company of animals or people. Every time I go to Salamanca I suffer because I think it is unfair that a dog is only so many hours. I do not want to imagine that my 2 dogs are welcome so long. "Guillem
have a hearing impairment and can not talk on the phone and communicating with Anna, Director of SOS Greyhounds in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfrom his home in Terrassa through service for the deaf on the phone (which read and transcribe your messages via chat) to organize the rescue greyhound. But it is not a simple job ... and these are some of the questions that arose, "How to rescue the dog? How out of the house in which the lock themselves in football? And when there are no parties, dog walks free field but the door is closed. How come? I believe I can jump the wall to take the dog for several reasons: I do not know if the dog attack me, I do not know how to take jumping a wall, the neighbors can see me and call the police, and so on. "A whole ordeal! ! Fortunately everything was more simple (sometimes not), Guillem contacted the owners of the land and through them with the owner of the dog and you were his news: "I will go to Salamanca on Saturday to pick up the dog I already have blade with the owner and says it gives me as I do not want so strong!. The dog has been vaccinated or chip or anything. " With the help of Isabel Vilaburgués, Carmen and Cristina Obejo Olliet, SOS Greyhounds Guillem could give a carrier and a collar for greyhound antiescape Guillem it traveled to Salamanca, to rescue him and bring him home from Barcelona Cristina Olliet member, which led to his temporary shelter Stephan Teipel the next day. Guillem Thank you for your hard work, honesty and sensitivity. Making the long journey to rescue Oscar! He spent a short time and Nuria, a girl of Girona, had a crush on Oscar, now called Imeut and live happily at home with two kittens Nuria. And Guillem and Noelia are happy why they have been written with Nuria and she has already written a letter to your dog rescuers thanking them and telling his new life.

And as each new encounter in life can leave Guillem wonderful things this year and have invited Noel SOS Greyhounds to the "Third Meeting of deaf people with dogs in Catalonia." Greyhound SOS is proud to present their work to people t pious and wonderful as an Guillem and Noelia. We need more people like you in this world and you are dedicated to this story, thanks for your valuable sample! THANKS!
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