"Look at the stars my family. " - Brother Antos

The goal that I have proposed at this stage of the adventure is to increase my points and the amount of food for the trip. This is difficult because both require very large amounts of gold. Still, I decided to use AC 1423 for this purpose and I have on hand both food store Le Jester as the Time Gate Lord British Castle in 1990
The first enemy you encounter is a thief. I hate thieves. They can steal any object, including important items. Luckily not the case. After beating me Trilitium not even so it can serve.
After several battles, another thief stole my Ankh.
As I getting gold, I buy food rations for the trip.
During this period I have had two tough moments during the fights, the first I've been attacked by a Demon who kept paralyze the legs and kept me from fleeing. The Devil itself is not a big problem, but little by little have been joining the fight other creatures. First a Thief , Then an Orc and finally Guerrero. After a long struggle, I have won and I got one of those famous Magic Helms (curiously, was the Thief who had not the Guerrero ).
After this fight I have traveled to Lord British Castle to offer a tax return to recover some life points I lost in battle above.
Back to 1423 BC have battled thief had a strange currency (like the rest of the items not yet its usefulness).
Earlier I said that I had two hard fights during this stage of the adventure. The second was no less than against a Devil . While the Demons paralyzed legs preventing their victims escape, the Devils paralyze the arms keeping you from attack. They are without doubt one of the strongest creatures in the game, and I died without being able to do anything against him.
Unlike Ultima I in Ultima II not automatically resurrect you (except in the version of FMTowns ). When you load the game I had just before combat Diablo I changed strategy. To fight and tried to move every time I paralyzed arms to cure me of paralysis. This went well until a few orcs have come to help the Diablo . At that time I had to change strategy. I saw my horse fleeing alongside Le Jester, and I decided to ride to escape faster. At the end using the horse that allows me to make more moves than my enemies I'm done with the Devil and other creatures that were helping him, including a Thief having a layer I have to discover for which it serves.
I followed with my quest to get gold and I found another strange object, the Skeleton Keys Shortly after I found another object even more, a Blue Tassel .
Tired of not knowing to the point of all this I have traveled to Linda to see if Varg have any idea. After giving it 3 gold coins has informed me that the Skeleton Keys are used by Airmen.
much gold I have no hand, so I decide to go for more, and of course, I find myself with some object, a Green Idol .
After winning more gold, I return to Varg Pub and offer him 5 coins which tells me that the Wizards have Varas and Canes. I imagine that this information would be useful if you have a Sorcerer or cleric, but being a Guerrero me quite indifferent.
Varg also tells me that the Guards have Keys. This is most interesting, as I need keys to access certain areas of towns and castles.
7 currencies and tells me that ankhs open space. At the moment it's all my gold is able to achieve, but I'm sure Varg knows even more than it says.
get more gold, Varg tells me that the sailors used Blue Tassel. This information is vital, because in a previous attempt to board a boat and would not allow that proved not to be a competent sailor.
I have luck and find a Pirate Frigate rapidly near Finland. Using Borla Azu l, let me address it, but I agree whole crew and some rage (this in the game creates another frigate). Using this for me, it put a boat on every major point of AC
1423 The Frigates have guns that I can shoot any creature. This is undoubtedly the best weapon in the game, as they rarely fail and basically kill any creature with a single blow. As if this were not enough, while you're sailing with the frigate supplies that are consumed less by foot or horseback. Using
Frigate get gold quickly killing all the creatures I encounter.
In Australia is a large group of orcs and thieves protecting a foreign cartel. Remove them with ease. The poster says "years: AC 1423. " Although it is information that I had already deducted the same thanks to the Gates of Time and map, this confirms to me without doubt.
In Canada meet a servant of Minax , a Sorcerer . In a melee would be a powerful rival, but against my frigate is nothing more than a nuisance.
Looking after finishing my inventory with such enemy, I see I have made new objects. Among these, highlights and Varas that sticks are useless because I'm not any kind of magician, and a Boots not even to serve.
With all this gold decided to go back to Lord British Castle in 1990 DC for me to climb the points. Lord British me up hit points over 2000 . With this I can now get serious about adventure, but first you should try to get some more food.
Back in 1423 AC one of my many trips sailing discover a dungeon in Greenland . After seeing the dungeon, remember that even I have some sites that could not explore at this time as Tower and Castle in the UK .
I decide to travel Castillo, who happens to be identical to that in 1990 DC except for its inhabitants.
At the entrance of Castle a Traveling Bard ask me if I know the way to San Jose . It is not the case, so move on.
In Prison Castillo strikes me that is not the Balron if it exists 1990 DC
The Dining , the Commander Decker yells asking for his soup (must have gotten me confused with a bartender).
In the Kitchen I go to find French Chef Andre. This time he understands more than 1990 DC , though certainly still drunk and I said "I drink, therefore I am."
In the Church Bishop Bob tells me confess before the Brother Antos. Without thinking twice I had to do just that, and Brother Antos me to find his family in the stars. Does this mean that the Father Brother Antos is in space?
For his part, Lord British still accepts the same taxes in 1990 DC and I do not give any valuable information.
leave here the journey of time. In my next entry will travel to new times looking for more information.
Lord British Castle
1423 AC
1423 AC

NOTE: Ultima II makes many references to real events and real people . Some obvious and not so obvious. Unfortunately I have no information of them all, and it may take some overlooked. Just put those who are 100% sure they mean something. If anyone has more info would be appreciated to post with it.
-The Wizards have a magic wand with which launched the Magic Missile spell .
-Los Diablos like the Demons use a spell to paralyze their victims, but the Devils paralyzed preventing arms attack their enemies. As with the Devils , there is an object that protects you from this power.
- The ankhs are used to assemble the rocket .
- The Blue Tassel are used to address Pirate Frigate.
- Skull Keys are used to fly a plane .
- Rods and Wands are used to cast spells.
- The Castle of Lord British appears in two different periods, 1423 1990 AC and DC
- The Bard of Castillo refers to San Jose . This reference is probably to San Jose, California City .
-First appearance of Commander Decker (possibly a reference to Star Trek ).
-First appearance of Bishop Bob .