The first teeth of Troodon were discovered around 1850. But scientists found only when more complete skulls realized that they had unearthed a new and different dinosaur. These teeth are curved and flat with rough serrated edges behind, and the pair used to tear the flesh. He had a very flexible wrist and thumb can move independently of other fingers, which taken together constitute one hand can hold very strongly. Along with their speed, these adaptations allowed to hunt prey Troodon small and fast, like mammals and lizards.
A smart hunter
Brain size has to be compared with body size paar get a better idea of \u200b\u200bthe intelligence of an animal. The relative size of brain Troodon had an intelligence suggests that similar to that of a parrot. It may not seem very spectacular, but parrots are very smart birds uns. The Troodon
, parts of the brain involved in vision are large and well developed. The eyes were the main hunting weapon, and the enlargement of other brain regions will be given greater control over the movement and balance when moving quickly. His intelligence could have permitted coordinate attacks with other individuals and hunt in groups to bring down large prey.
A responsible parent crocodiles and birds are living animals more like dinosaurs. Since both groups of animals lay eggs and care for them until a certain point, it is not surprising that dinosaurs behaved similarly.
found fossilized nests Troodon in Montana (USA), a town famous for its fossils called Egg Mountain. Some nests contained eggs, and some of them kept a skeleton of Troodon breeding. Sometimes you have found bones of Troodon adults with nests, suggesting that Troodon incubated eggs to keep them warm as do modern birds.
Gender: Troodon
Rating: Theropoda; Coelurosauria; Troodontidae
Length: 3 m
Height: 1 m
Weight: 50 Kg
Period: Late Cretaceous , about 76-70 million years
Found: States United States (Montana, Wyoming and possibly Alaska) and Alberta (Canada)
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