" teachers are real teachers puzzles " - Grendel the Vago

And so begins my adventure through time Ultima II.
first thing was to see the game show. In the demonstration I saw in this game I struggle with strange creatures on the surface of the Earth , find clues at local pubs, asking for help medieval kings, through the deep and deadly dungeons, and the terrifying and tall towers, travel across the galaxy to the planets of the Solar System and finally master the same time to fight the Sorceress Minax . From what I see, I'm at the beginning of a long journey.
The second step is to create my character. As I intend to remain a Warrior , there are two statistics that are useless to me. So I do not know as much Intelligence Wisdom (giving the minimum value I can) and focus on Force, Agility, Charisma and Resistance. In Ultima II the Charisma is very important because prices are low enough if you have enough charisma talking with vendors. For its part, the Force dictates that you can wear armor and agility that can wield weapons. Finally
my 90 points distributed as follows:
10 Agility: 20
Resistance: 10
Charisma: 30
10 Wisdom: 10
To this we must add the modifiers of race, gender and class. Being Human , this gives me +5 Intelligence , being male gives me +5 to Strength (the +10 Charisma receiving a woman would have been much more helpful, but good), and finally to be a Warrior get +15 in Strength . In summary, by forgetting to statistics, my final character is:
Name: David
Sex: Male
Class: Warrior
Level: 0
Experience: 0
30 Agility: 20
10 Charisma: 30
10 Wisdom: 10
Life Points: 400
400 Gold: 400
The adventure begins in what appears to be America. Specifically on the east coast. I have no idea what time I am so touched investigate further. When I check my inventory or I do not have weapons or armor. This is going to make the beginning of my mission is somewhat more difficult.
My first impulse is to travel south. In South discover a Torre surrounded by swamps. I do not think that's a good idea to enter a tower with no weapons, so I'll leave it for the future.
When traveling north again I meet my first enemy, an orc. The fight against orc is not very hard, after a stroke, began to flee. I cornered him against the mountains to the west and ended with the. The experience and gold you receive is not much, but will suffice for now.
Further north, I see a road that connects North America with Asia. traveled through Asia to reach Europe. In Europe see that in the UK a castle, which unfortunately is out of my reach. In Italy saw a city, but to reach it, I have to beat a thief is nearby. After defeating the thief, I found among his things a brass button . I have no idea that they may serve, but I keep it for now.
Italian city called Linda . The entrance is well protected by two guards who all they care about is who pays my taxes. At the first intersection to find a store right Transport. Here I meet John Mayer ordering take out the trash. Beside this Gerry Mayer he claims to know little things about computers. The Transportation Shop sells horses. I had no intention of buying any, but I left for only 52 coins is really a good price.
Linda is full of merchants selling apples and thieves try to sell stolen watches me. The streets are not very interesting, so I go to the pub Varg. Here I find the waitress Ithilien telling me that you make an offer (subtle). In Taberna try to make Varg information, but with a single gold coin tells me nothing. I can not spend more because even I have to buy weapons and supplies.
that there are Warriors the city does not seem very smart, the only thing that matters is how strong they are. Also, speak using monosyllables.
Northwest of Linda finally find a gun shop. Here I make my first mistake. I purchased an Arco thinking it was agile enough to use, but has not been the case. So I had to spend more gold on Axe.
near the gun shop I met Keith who rejects me something saying you try to quit ("A cigar, perhaps?).
At this meeting a Armory where I bought a Mesh Armor .
Without further to do in Linda, I head south through Africa and find a village. This small village is surrounded by woods. Near the entrance to find a poster that puts Le Jester ( The Fool ). I assume that this is the name of the village. Next to the poster I've met a nubile nymph caste and told me I should visit the Hotel California . I note and I explored the village. At this poster find a store that sells Holy spells. Unfortunately not being a Cleric , I do not sell anything.
Al West find a store Wizardry, but like in the store of Clerics, Warlocks do not sell me spells. Still, in the shop know Andy Greenberg complaining they do not sell software, and Robert Woodhead that only screams "Copy Protection!" Constantly.
Le Jester find a house something shattered with marshland. At home I know the Vago Grendel says that teachers of the puzzles are true masters. It's a good phrase, but it does not seem very useful information.
Close encounter what looks like an Oracle , which can be really useful if I have the right money, but unfortunately a Warlock seems that asking for advice because it has not departed the counter . I have to stop by here later.
find a home with the name "Gorky " in it, but do not see anyone inside.
northeast of Le Jester find a fast food shop run by Alfred . The seller leaves me 100 servings of food for 32 gold coins. It is a good price and decided to spend as much money as possible in food for the long journey that awaits me.
Once you have the necessary equipment and supplies really start my mission. In the next post, will travel around the world to get more gold with which to move forward in Ultima II (Gold is the most important aspect of this game and that more scarce).
1423 AC
NOTE: Ultima II makes many references to real events and real people. Some obvious and not so obvious. Unfortunately I have no information of them all, and it may take some overlooked. Just put the 100% sure that they mean something. If anyone has more information would be appreciated to respond in kind.
-In Ultima II the only classes that can use magic are Wizards and Clerics .
-First (and last) appearance of the Linda Village.
- Gerry and John Mayer are certainly characters based on real people, but unfortunately I have not found information exactly who they are concise.
- Ithillian the Waitress makes his second appearance in the series. Appears in the manual Last I , and again in Ultima II. The funny thing is that it appears in the pub Varg, who also appears in Ultima I, and was the generic Pub had in every city.
-First appearance of Keith .
-First appearance of Le Jester people.
-First appearance of fast-food restaurant Alfred.
- Andy Greenberg and Robert Woodhead displayed in a shop called " Wizardry." Andy and Robert were the creators of the RPG series known as Wizardry and this is a clear reference to them.
-First appearance of the Vago Grendel.
-Los Orcs are not a great danger. They are creations of human and pig genetics.
-Los Ladrones are humans who prefer to steal to fight. In Ultima II thieves can steal anything you have in your inventory.
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