"Welcome young David. First dame my tribute to 50 gold! For this you will add to life in 0300 " - Lord British

I started today with the idea to get me one of the dungeons of the game, but seeing that my life were a few points I decided to get some gold first.
Once I got the gold I have increased my life points to 6000 by Lord British (who reached a certain point you go up only 200 points per every 50 coins instead of 300 points of living up to the top).
I have also bought some food for my journey.
Once I have prepared for the trip, I headed to the nearest Tower, one found in Africa . Nothing else I tried to go light a torch, but to my surprise did not have. When looking at my inventory, I saw that I had 0 torches. This is a bug in the game. Once you pass 99 in any order, the counter is reset to 0 again. To fix this I edited the saved game and I changed my number of torches to 99 (the end of the day I spend a lot on this trip).
Finally, with everything ready and no bug this I have ventured into the Tower .

Nothing more start the level 0 I have seen that unless the corridor headed north, the walls of the east, west and south were false and could cross them.
After investigating the entire northern and eastern part of the scale, I have talked to the southwest. Here I found a small room with nothing inside, and I found my way around to the next level of the dungeon.
Before getting to the next level, I have finished exploring the level 0 (nothing found interesting.) I have also tried using one of the Helms Magic, but has been ineffective in Torre .
Finally I managed to level 1 of the Torre . The staircase on level 1 up and down to levels 2 and 0, and will not have to bother to find my way to the next level. Even so, I decided to investigate first before continuing level rise.

At the end of the corridor, the road forks to the west and east. After dealing with a rather annoying Orc I have gone west.
In the northwest I found two doors giving access to a new area of \u200b\u200blevel 1, but instead of crossing my path I followed to the south.
Finally I realized that this area is all the same in all directions. The four corridors branching in 2 directions just coming together and forming a circle around the stairs. In this circle there are 8 doors (2 in the northwest, 2 in the Northeast, 2 in 2 in the southwest and southeast).
Once I discovered this, I went through the doors of the northeast as they were the closest I got caught. This gives access to what appears to be a new circle around the circle corridors above.
By checking the walls of the northeastern part of this new circle of aisles I found a secret passageway that led me to a small room with a chest (which contained only gold). The room is surrounded by 4 outputs hidden (which I used, one that brings me back to the aisle, and 2 others leads me to a new area of \u200b\u200bthe dungeon.
I applied to the east exit, which leads me to a new hall. This passage is branched to the south and west. I decided to try his luck going south first, although not before of being ambushed by a horde of good Orcs have begun to appear everywhere.
Down the hall I found no less than 4 chests with gold, armor and weapons (anything interesting). Having explored this area, I'm back on my steps and have explored the road heading west. Like the previous hallway, this has not start and I found another 4 chests.
Once I finish exploring these halls, I headed back to the second circle around the stairs and I finished mapping it. In the other 3 boxes I found more (northwest, southwest and southeast) also protected by secret walls.
After that I headed back to the center of the level where they were the stairs going up to level 2.

Upon arrival at the door, my gun goes off suddenly and I was mysteriously dark. Attempting to light more torches to no luck and then off again. I finally realized I was being attacked by a Phantom . Ghosts apparently can make torches are extinguished, which makes them pretty annoying enemies. I finally confronted him, but decided to flee toward the stairs, where I eventually ended its existence.
After this I returned to the door where I had met the Phantom and entering the road forks back to the west and east. Westbound I entered a large room in which there was very little, except a door to the south which leads me to a new hall.
In one of the walls of this new path I found a room with a chest containing a suit of armor (unfortunately, none that have not already). This room is surrounded by secret entrances giving access to different areas of the aisle.
I decided to take the door that led me into the aisle and go south as he was doing so far. To the south I found what appeared to be a seemingly dead end, but after checking the final wall, I discovered a new entry took me a long hallway that stretched eastward.
This corridor was a door on Northbound I have ignored so far. Down the hall I found 2 secret doors, one north and one to the east. The first test of this I found a new corridor stretching north and in the end had 4 chests.
Once I open the four chests, I'm back on my feet and I have taken the secret door to the north. As in the West, this area also had a room with a chest surrounded by false walls.
Once I have finished mapping the level I have gone back to the center of the level to take the stairs to level 3.

In the southwest quarter I found quite small with a column in the center. Anything interesting in it.
At this level I have fought against more Ghosts than in the previous level. Seeing me in some cases forced to fight in the dark.
I headed east and found another room. This room is bigger than the previous one, with 4 columns, but as in the previous case, nothing interesting in it.
In the northeast I found a room identical to the southwest. As in the previous case, also was empty. I decided to address through a door West left the room. This has to overlook along a corridor that had this room.
the northwest I found another room with 4 columns (identical to the southeast). I have finally led to the corridor that had ignored near the northeast room and here I've finally found the stairs to level 4. Along the way I met a trap from which I have saved using the tools that I carry (the truth is that I found at least 3 traps before this while exploring the rest of levels, but this has been the only time I've been able to capture it.)
Although I am ready to face whatever is on level 4, I decided it would be best left for today and I headed toward the surface.
With the gold that I got I uploaded my life points back to 6000. After that I headed to San Antonio New and I bought a Phaser .
Seeing me on gold, I went to talk to Lord British for me to increase my life points to 7000. And here I've left it for now. In the next post will explore at least 4 other levels of the tower Africa.
Despite the maps I put on the blog are taken from the game files using a program, let me make clear I do not use these maps while playing. I used maps are the drawing while I play.
Africa Torre (1990)
Level 0

-First appearance of Ghost in Last . Unlike foreign monsters, monsters that are inside the towers and dungeons have no official description in the manual.
"The Ghosts appear from level 2 of the towers and dungeons.
"The Ghosts have the special ability to extinguish the torches and light spells dispel.
-serve tools to avoid pitfalls in the towers and dungeons. Still, once you find a cheat, always torches off tools available or not.
- dungeons Ultima II are much larger than those of Last I or Akalabeth . While previous games were 11x11, Ultima II those are 17x17. Therefore, these dungeons are more than twice as large as the previous games.
-chests in dungeons may contain gold, armor or weapons.
-In Ultima II first used the stairs in both directions.