"Ah! Yes! Power armor. For you only 2440 coins. What do you think? " -Armero

Well, this is not going to be a long post even though the game itself has been the longest I've done so far.
I've been in this heading to get gold to increase my skills.
At first the thing has been slow and the only thing notable was an encounter with a Balron . This fight is the highlight because when the Balron has attempted to use his spell to sleep, the Green Idol I have in the inventory has protected me.
When I got a decent amount of gold, I headed to the Hotel California to the receptionist I increase my skills. This has left me Force at 70.
After that I managed to buy some supplies to McDonalls of Puerto Bonficie .
When I ran out of gold I have set up a small strategy that used a few years ago. This means going to a place where there is only ocean, and surf for a few minutes without stopping in one direction. In doing so the creatures are appearing on the map and then you can kill them in large quantities in a short time using the boat.
With this system I got a decent amount of gold in a short time and again I have gone to San Antonio New to increase my skills. This time I uploaded my Resistance and Agility my pretty, and a little Force. With this new Agility am now able to use a Sword of Light .
With the gold that has left me I went to the Castle of Lord British to climb a little points.
Again I used the old system to get gold, and again I have gone to San Antonio New to climb but my skills (the repetitive feel of the entrance, but it is the way to work This Last ). This time I uploaded something me and my Agility resistance.
With the gold that has left me I tried to buy a Phaser (A sort of laser gun to Star Wars), but unfortunately I have missed a few coins.
Unable to buy the Phaser , I tried to buy a new armor that is better than veneer on my back. To my surprise, the 2 frames that are superior to that of Chapa, the Reflective and the Power are far from my economic opportunities now (932 coins the and 2440 Reflective of Power .)
I tried my luck Store Lord British Castle , but have not found any weapons or armor that I serve.
Without further to do I decided to spend the gold that I had to upload my points. I think in the next post I will try to do some dungeon or a tower. So for now I leave with my level Guerrero 28.
NOTE: Ultima II makes many references to real events and real people. Some obvious and not so obvious. Unfortunately I have no information of them all, and it may take some overlooked. Just put the 100% sure that they mean something. If anyone has more info would be appreciated to post with it.
- The Green Idol protects its wearer from the spell of sleep on the Balrons .
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