The Ankylosaurus, a huge dinosaur of Late Cretaceous period of North America was covered from head to tail with a thick armor of bony plates. The skull has a large rear-facing triangular horns. The bony plates were imbedded in the skin throughout the body, and possessed of sharp espnas protruding from the back and tail. The end of it was thicker, and formed a heavy bone club. By sharing their habitat with a few large predators like Tyrannosaurus and Albertosaurus probably had plenty of reasons to be shielded in this way.
Scientists believe that the hub of the tail is formed from bone nodules that were originally embedded in the skin. As these nodules were growing, they were welded together and the bones of the tail. Preceding the hub of the tail bone were very fit together, so that its end was very stiff and strong. The movement of the club was controlled by the action of a special muscles located near the base of the tail, which under normal conditions of the hind legs pulled back as you go. These muscles could swing the tail from side to side.
The thick bony plates would have been a good defense even against the most determined theropod. But underneath was not shielded, so surely, when he attacked the Ankylosaurus was put to protect this vulnerable area, and would be in danger if a predator drle could return. But since Ankylosaurus weighed several tons, it was quite difficult.
who hunted Theropods Ankylosaurus were bipedal animals, tall and heavy. That is, were somewhat less stable a low and quadruped dinosaur. Due to the own body weight, a simple fall could provoke a bone fracture, especially in the long bones of the legs. A single blow of the hammer tail of Ankylosaurus could knock down a predator or break a leg, which meant a serious injury, and sometimes even death, to prevent the power feeding the possible infection or injury caused.
can be seen large rear-facing triangular horns of the skull.
North Road
The Ankylosaurus is one of only two members of the family of anquilosáuridos who lived in North America. All other anquilosáuridos lived in eastern Asia. It appears that the group first appeared on this continent during the Cretaceous period, when Asia and North America were linked by an isthmus of land. The ancestors of Ankylosaurus probably crossed from Asia to North America following this route.
Gender: Ankylosaurus
Rating: Thyreophora; Ankylosauria; Ankylosauridae
Length: 10-11 m
Height: 2 m
Weight: 4 tons
Period: Late Cretaceous , about 68-65 million years
Found: Montana and Wyoming (Western U.S.) and Alberta (Canada)
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