" There are packs of Lithium in the sixteenth level. " - Captivated Balron

can say that at this point in the game have changed their strategy of being good for the of: the end justifies the means.
As I said in the pub Varg, the Guards have keys. And in the last city to visit 'm pretty clear I need keys to progress. No choice, I decided to try his luck in Puerto Bonus.
The Guards are really strong, and I've only managed to finish one before I'm beat. The Guard had 2 keys. So it's not a bad start.
Almost dying, I have come to the Castle of Lord British and I've uploaded my points.
After this I decided to get some gold as is essential for the different tasks that I have pending (up life, buy food, talk to the Oracle ...).
get enough gold after I have thought a good way to get keys with little risk. He recalled that in Puerto Bonus were several boats anchored. Upon arrival I saw that several thieves were watching the entrance. I did not care to fight them because they were too many and could not reach the ship before Guards caught me.
I decided to use a Strange Currencies of cargoes of her long ago and I Denied time. Upon opening the door Puerto with one of my keys, I have assembled one of the boats. And finally after that I started the slaughter of Guards.
Guards had one that was invincible. This is one of those mutants Minax mentioned by the manual. After killing all the guards except with the mutant, I left for the north of Puerto abroad.
With more keys, I traveled to San Antonio New again. I have spoken with the Cleric was in one of the rooms of Hotel California waiting to give me some vital information, but has not told me anything useful.
was clear that this Hotel was important and no more options I have tried to bribe the receptionist. This has responded with a "Alakazam", which is quite rare. To my surprise, my skills have increased. I do this a few times, it seems to me an increase of 4 points of skill for every 100 gold coins.
The small increase my agility allows me to use a better weapon than my ax and my team with that bow you buy by mistake at the beginning of the trip.
I decide to leave me some gold to offer Lord British to increase somewhat over me my points.
After this, go in search of more gold (and more foreign currency). When I get enough repeat the same procedure as I did earlier in Puerto Bonus and return to kill a few guards looking for more keys.
With a lot of keys, I decided to enter some of the places that had closed earlier. The first is in services McDonalls . Here you know Lady Sherrie who said that the gag me with a spoon.
The Castle of Lord British open the doors of the west to reach the chamber where he keeps all the weapons. Get enough weapons and armor, but nothing that I may have time.
In Prison Lord British Castle try to talk to the Balron had locked up, for this reason, I use another currency as apparently shared a cell with a thief who does not have good intentions. Trying to kill the thief is not an option because if I do I would all Guards against me. Captivated The Balron tells me there's lithium packs at level 16. I guess that refers to the dungeons, so I have to try to reach the end of them.
The effect of the currency goes quickly and the thief follows me to exit the castle. If it were not for Guards have killed him, but it was a good idea.
In San Antonio New entered the pool where I know a weak warrior who claims to have 1 thing each. I guess that is another reference dark not understand.
receptionist Hotel California and I up my skills more. Unfortunately, not always gold that I offer up my skills. Sometimes you just accept it as a donation.
Since food is something wrong I decided to try to rob the Mcdonalls . This does not concern me very well because my agility is really low, but still manages to steal some food. As I said before in this part of the game, the end justifies the means, since there is no way to end Minax without making sacrifices.
After this, travel to Castle British Lord and leave it for today with my Guerrero at level 18. In the next post I will dedicate my abilities to raise as much as possible.
NOTE: Ultima II makes many references to real events and real people. Some obvious and not so obvious. Unfortunately I have no information of them all, and it may take some overlooked. Just put the 100% sure that they mean something. If anyone has more info would be appreciated to post with it.
-First appearance of Lady Sherrie .
"In all the villages, castles etc. a character is invincible. This is usually one of the guards and no way to defeat them. The manual says they are mutants created by the evil Minax has condemned to live their miserable lives for all eternity.
- Strange Coins are used to stop time.
"The only way to raise attributes in Ultima II is offering gold to the receptionist at the Hotel California .
"The only way to get keys is killing the guards cities.
"In the window of Mcdonalls Puerto Bonus is possible to steal food if you have enough agility to do so.
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