" The evil that men do something horrible. " - Oracle

I started with the decision that I travel to DC 1990 to continue. For this I used the time map and saw that the only solution is to travel to post-Holocaust time. Using
Time Gate South of in 1423 AC have traveled to the future America . Just after getting to the future I decided to use one of those Magic Helms that I have for some time. The Helms give me a world view where I am. Certainly the future is a place I go will be extremely difficult, because all the continents are separated. When I look for good in the vision I see this time only 3 places. Greenland (which will probably be the same dungeon that appears in the rest of times), Australia (surely the sign that marks what time I am) and finally Russia .
Finally I decided to explore a bit around, but since my vision has not only revealed nothing of interest, but I am isolated from the rest of the world.
My only solution is Time Gate that leads me to 1990 DC The problem with this is that Gate is rather a journey in the dark , since in the Map not clear if I took a South Africa or .
finally appear in South America seems to be . Using another of my Magic Helms and I find that I'm actually in South . Also I realize that in Europe something unusual, probably a lot of creatures.
Not much to do, I head north and find a city in Texas . The city is being New San Antonio .
At the entrance of San Antonio New find a well-guarded office.
the office meeting near the stables, and north is a pool with a sign saying "nothing your own risk." Because I see two sea snakes in the pool does not seem that the place is a good place to swim.
Before further decided to buy a horse to move faster this time.
The city is well guarded with a guard at every bridge.
After a bridge, arrived at a luxury hotel. This must be the Hotel California of which I spoke in Le Jester (although not in California precisely, is the only hotel I've found so far). I decide to talk to the clerk of the hotel, but to my surprise I did not give any information. At least I can confirm that this is the Hotel California .
hotel rooms are closed and do not have keys, so I'm still exploring. Meeting the Pizzeria and Pub Swordsman, but only serve drinks, so I leave the place.
find a gun shop called Death and Destroy . There is no weapon that can use with my current skill so for now I must continue my inseparable ax.
North of San Antonio New find an airport. The place only has one plane and is guarded by a warrior. Furthermore, as has become customary in this city, it's all locked.
In the city center to find anything unless Iolo and Gwen (guess it will Gwenno ). None I said nothing Ultima II, so I'm still exploring.
North of where Iolo and Gwen , find a gun. The peculiar thing is that you have a backyard enclosed by no less than two doors. This is suspicious, and definitely look into it when you have the means.
Next to the Armory , find a prison. Again, this too protected, but I have curiosity about who lives here.
Close the prison is the entrance to the pool I had seen on entering the village, and of course, is also closed to the public. This city is really annoying in this regard.
try to get information in the Pub and Pizzeria Swordsman, but other than tell me if this is not a great game not draw anything interesting.
After leaving New San Antonio I decide to explore the time. The only thing is an interesting place in Torre Africa. From my experience in the previous post with the Tower of Venezuela, I will not try to enter even at this tower.
I decide myself and fight to win gold. Until I finally get tired and decide to return to the past where you have a boat. On the way to the Time Gate of America I encounter a Demon . When trying to use its power to paralyze my legs discover that he had achieved boots are magical powers protect me.
After arriving in South discover, to my surprise, that the only accessible Time Gate is what brings me to the North America at the time Post Holocaust. And to complicate matters, in the future only I have access to the Time Gate brings me to South America 1990 DC in In short, I'm caught in these two seasons and I have no place to buy supplies.
From beginning to despair now increasingly seeing that my supplies are running out and my only solution is to get a conveyance in 1990 for to travel to Puerto Bonus in the UK and buy supplies there. It is at this point, I discover in a fight against a devil , one of the layers had not long ago I managed to protect their power to shut down my arms. Clearly, these objects are quite useful, but unfortunately not help me with my current problem with my amount of supplies.
Once it was all lost and my supplies were almost nonexistent, I saw a frigate approaching from the British Isles . Without thinking twice the board. Like last time, the crew mutinies. This plays to my favor, as in 1423 BC decided to place several boats at strategic points. After that, I turn to McDonalls of Puerto Bonus where I buy enough food to endure another long stretch of the journey.
With gold payment 4 I have left tributes to Lord British and I up my points.
now have a boat in 1990 , things have changed. I decide to explore a little. First I have addressed Australia to see the sign that marks what time I am. Unfortunately, nothing else off the boat go through a Time Gate by mistake.
I appear in an area surrounded by mountains that seems to be no particular season of the Earth . After checking my map, I discover that I am nothing less than the time of the Legends , Minax lair.
There is no way in my present condition could face a Minax or his army, so I quickly check my departure from this period. Luckily there is a Time Gate each time in this place. I decide to travel back to the future and 1990 here again.
In South aboard one of my many boats and I turn to lead Australia where finally I check the poster of this era.
start to finish to me my options and decided we'd better get enough gold for the Oracle tell me something that lead me which way to go.
After winning the gold travel to 1423B.C. and remember that this time there was a Oracle. My first attempt is Linda City, but can not find the Oracle there.
Finally remember I was in the northwest of Le Jester . I have the misfortune of a sorcerer there talking to the Oracle and no way to remove him (except by killing him, and I will not resort to that.)
I have no choice but to travel back to Pangea . This time I decide to go prepared and ride my horse which was waiting for me faithfully Finland.
When traveling to the past, I see that Pangea has more enemies than you expected.
Apparently horses can not cross wetlands, and I am forced to leave to cross swamps Pangea.
The battles are long, but eventually find my way to the Village Baradins .
Once I get to Oracle, begin to offer gold for their tracks. I see you give me 9 different tracks, each 100 coins is more expensive than the previous one, and only make sense if you ask them all in order. With gold at my disposal I can only ask until the fifth track (not counting the first that I know of before.)
The Oracle tells me I need a ring to dispel something. Unfortunately, do not know where the ring , but says there is no other way to continue my adventure.
need to gather much gold to continue with his prediction, but that I leave for another time. Not much to do and I decide to travel back to 1990 and let my adventure so far with my character at level 13.
NOTE: Ultima II for many references to real events and real people. Some obvious and not so obvious. Unfortunately I have no information of them all, and it may take some overlooked. Just put those who are 100% sure they mean something. If anyone has more info would be appreciated to post with it.
"The future is the post-Holocaust world. Much of the life and civilization has ceased to exist. The more one discovers Minax , but it is clear that this Holocaust was caused by it. At that time, many areas have been wiped off the map. Especially those areas where there was conflict between Russia and America.
- The Legends time, a time before time itself, populated by mythical creatures. That Time of Legends is ruled by good or evil affect other times. It is said that this is where Minax has more power.
- The Magic Helms create a bird's eye view of the world or time where you are.
- Magic Boots protect the power to paralyze the legs used by Demons.
- Magic Layers protect the power to paralyze the arms used by the Devils .
-First appearance of Nuevo San Antonio . This city is based in San Antonio , capital of Bexar County in Texas .
-First appearance of Hotel California.
-second appearance of Iolo and Gwenno (here called Gwen ) in Last . In Ultima I , Iolo was a bard in the towns and Gwenno was a jester in the castle, while the Ultima II both reside in San Antonio New .
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