"The time and travel have made me wise. The precious gold buy a clue. "-Oracle

first thing I did today was get some more gold. For this I took my frigate and I've been slaughtering monsters around the world.
When I got more or less around 200 coins I decided that was time to test armor stronger than Chainmail I use. In Linda I have gone to the armor shop but I could buy a plate armor since I got the gold.
I tried to get some clue in the pub Varg, but unfortunately I wasted enough gold and I have not said anything he did not know.
With what I have traveled has been Le Jester to buy more supplies.
After that I began to collect gold to buy that Body Armor. When I won the gold, I re-directed to Linda and I bought no more problems. This armor should Serme more useful than Chainmail .
Once I got the armor, and seeing that there's not much to do at this time, I took the map to see what options I had. Finally I decided the best thing is to use one of the Gates of Time in Europe to travel to the past, Pangea.
In the area of \u200b\u200bPangea I appear not see anything interesting and decided to travel north. This brings me to what the future would become Greenland . Here is a dungeon so far ignored.
the west I see a swamp, so I decided to go a little south. Unfortunately, the south is another quagmire, so finally I am about to cross the swamp to the north to see where it takes me.
This brings me to a swamp forest that extends to the south bordered by mountains and ocean.
At this meeting what the future will be Australia. As in 1423 AC , here I find another sign that marks I'm in AC 9000000
But to this I find nothing of interest, and return find a Gate time in the future Australia. When looking at the map, I see that this door leads me to UK in 1990 DC, so I will be useful to go back to where I came from.
Finally I turn to the village. Upon entering I see 2 guards protecting the south entrance.
Near the entrance I find a druid who does not speak English and therefore do not understand. It may be Latin, but unfortunately what escapes.
West of the village find a magic shop.
Finally something north find a sign identifying the place as the Baradins Village (or Town of Baradin depends on how you translate).
The western part of Baradins is something swampy, but to get some of the wetlands meet a Oracle. Before leaving the village again, but first I preferred a little more research Baradins .
I find a food store called The Deli (perhaps coming from Delicious , which means delicious). In this store I buy a pack of food, and I know a philosopher who tells me that "should be 9-9-9." Not to regard, but it must be important so take note.
output Baradins East looks better and is more populated than the western swamp. Here two astronauts who know me say that there is a planet called ' X' and the Father Antos lives there. With this I conclude that the philosopher had given me the coordinates to reach the planet. Everyone tells me to visit Father Antos , but for now I have no reason to. Still, be aware if find some way to leave the Earth and travel into space.
South meeting store spells of clerics. Nothing interesting here because I am a warrior.
I decide to visit the Oracle of Baradins . He says the travel and time have made him wise, and I asked no fewer than 100 gold coins for their most basic track. After paying me says " The Queen is the King and the King is a spy. . " After that I have the feeling that this track does not strike me as useful.
Baradins I decide to leave and use the Time Gate to travel to 1990. Using the door which is near the Castle of Lord British travel back to 1423 BC
I'm about to find even more gold and during my hunt monsters I find nothing less than a Balron . The Balrons uses powerful sleeping spell on their victims by preventing attack or flee. Had I not had my boat probably would not have come out alive from the battle.
After getting some gold I decide to try to explore the Tower that I saw in Venezuela the beginning of the adventure.
Upon entering the tower is all dark. I light a torch and I am greeted by an orc near the exit stairs outside.
The tower is quite dangerous, because even just explore the first level that is full of Orcs , they are able to take off as much as 700 points.
curious thing about this first level is seen from the sky is written "Lord Brit."

Leaving the tower I go to Lord British Castle and I make a tribute of 200 gold coins with which I was living up my points over 3200.
The adventure is well under way. I am in level 7 and I have basically one item from each (some of them are still a mystery, but soon discover their usefulness). If I want to move more will have to travel to 1990 beyond the British Isles the . For this I have seen on my map that the only solution is to travel to post holocaust world and from there go to 1990. This we leave to the next entry.
MAPS: Pangea

NOTE: Ultima II makes many references to real events and real people. Some obvious and not so obvious. Unfortunately I have no information of them all, and it may take some overlooked. Just put which are 100% sure they mean something. If anyone has more info would be appreciated to post with it.
- Pangea is the time when the Earth still being formed, they will create the 7 continents. Earth is a large continent surrounded by a gigantic ocean. Apparently there are plenty of living (though far apart) and a civilization which has an unexplained origin.
-First appearance of Baradins Village.
"Apparently there is a new planet called" X . "
- The Balrons are distinguished by their awesome wings. With his Herculean strength and charm to sleep on their enemies are really powerful creatures. Some people believe that the spell is not real and that is rotten, fetid breath of the creature that causes the effect, making humans try to flee the encouragement to go into a deep sleep.
-towers in Last 2 unlike the dungeons, rise up instead of going down into the depths. This does not change the least the gameplay but it is an interesting detail.
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